Emotional Passion to Virtue | Using the Enneagram for Growth

As human being we have predictable
responses to life and its' stressors. Within our
thoughts, feelings and actions there are broader
emotional, thought, and instinctual patterns at play
which are very unconscious.
In the Enneagram, these emotional patterns are known
as Emotional Passions or "vices".
The Enneagram framework when used as a model for
personal growth paints the story of nine typologies
moving from vice to virtue, or, from who someone is
not (their personality) to who they actually are, but
never felt safe to live out of (their essence). It's a lot to
comprehend, we know!
So let's take small bites. Above are the nine types and
you will see attached each emotional passion and each
Ask yourself: where do I see my types emotional
passion at play? Have their been times when you have
tasted the virtue of your Ennea-type? If so, what were
the circumstances?
Keep reflecting & studying the Enneagram.
See more on our instagram post